Workshop Install: VW Golf 7R APR Stage 1

Regal-Autosport-MK7-Golf-R-AWE-Tuning-APR-GOAPR-IMG_3966Flashing 1…2…3…

The APR ECU software for the Golf 7R increases power and torque through increasing boost pressure, optimising ignition timing, cam timing, valve lift, lambda and more! An added bonus of the APR ECU software is that it provides this excellent leap in horsepower and torque whilst retaining OEM knock control sensitivity and other built-in safety parameters.

This vehicle was an otherwise stock 2016 manual vehicle with just under 1500 miles on the clock. After hearing the results proven from our in-house car, the customer had to have the upgrade!

As part of the customers ARP ECU software purchase, he also had the option of taking us up on the complimentary before and after rolling road runs on offer. This allows us to test the vehicle safely (not on the road) whilst logging all of the vehicle parameters of interest. Whilst also having the added bonus of a print out of stock power vs. Stage 1 power.Regal-Autosport-MK7-Golf-R-AWE-Tuning-APR-GOAPR-IMG_3974

Once the car is confirmed to not have any running issues alongside the baseline rolling road runs, it’s time to flash the car with APR Stage 1 software. The APR ECU software is flashed through the OBD2 port and does not require the ECU to be removed.Regal-Autosport-MK7-Golf-R-AWE-Tuning-APR-GOAPR-IMG_3970

Once flashing is complete, the car is checked for fault codes, taken out onto the road and logged to ensure no issues before a full load test on our Mustang MD-500 AWD Dyno with TAT data acquisition. Regal-Autosport-MK7-Golf-R-AWE-Tuning-APR-GOAPR-IMG_3974

With the rolling road testing complete, we can compare the baseline graph to the APR Stage 1 ECU software. This car made 25hp more than is reported from the factory, however makes the usual 360-370hp without any issues on 98 RON fuel. HUGE gains of 70lbfts and 50hp can be seen throughout the rev range as well as a big hike in peak power and torque. It goes without saying, the Golf 7R is a completely night and day improvement to drive!Golf-7R-APR-Stage-1-Regal-Autosport-330-stock-369

Regal Autosport are the South Coast APR software and hardware provider. Based in Southampton, we offer ECU Flashing and APR hardware installation as well as a whole host of other services.

Thinking about having your Golf 7R flashed but not sure? Give us a call, and we can take you out in our demonstration car so you can feel the difference.

For bookings and inquiries please call 02382 550958 or email


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